Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Aurora Leigh

The mortuary called us last Monday and told us that our little "Rawr" was a little girl. We decided to name her Aurora Leigh. Finding out that we were having a little girl made it so much better, and so much harder at the same time.

Now that we have a name we are able to move forward with so many things. The mortuary was able to get a name change on the hospital documents, and we were finally able to order the urn.

Unfortunately, the site wrote to tell me that wouldn't have it in stock 'till the following week, so basically, things are at a standstill once again. Honestly, I just want all this to be over. I want closure.I want to lay my baby to rest.

My birthday is in a few days... Doing all this around this time is so hard to think about. It's like I've separated both events in my head. My birthday, and my baby's funeral. God, give me strength to get through these coming days.

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